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Barrette energetiche con Avena e Peanut Butterin italiano

I’m always looking for quick and full of energy snacks. I’ve always been so very much in love with Peanut Butter, and this recipe calls for a great amount of it, so it’s definitely a recipe I love.

It’s easy because is made by using just 5 ingredients and it takes very little time to make.

It is yummy and fullfilling. The ingredients used in this recipe could be defined as “healthy” as if wan not for the peanut butter, actually let’s be clear here.

Peanut butter is not that bad if we have the natural option, teh one with no fats added in, and no added sugar. Thing is that kind of peanut butter is usually a bit too “weak” and will not keep the rest of the ingredients together in this recipe, so yeah, we are “forced” to use a more commercial option.

Let’s see how I made these energy bars!


  • 60g of hazelnut grains
  • 120g of Peanut Butter
  • 60g of dark chocolate
  • 170g of Oat
  • 60g of honey


  1. Line the bottom of a baking pan, 20x20cm
  2. Put all the ingredients in a large bowl
  3. Work the ingredients together until you get some kind of “dough”.
  4. Pour the dough in the baking pan and using a spoon, spread it all over the pan, evenly.
  5. Refrigerate for a few hours until it can be cut into bars.


If you want you can also add in some dark chocolate chunks, for that extra “kick”….

fancy the idea?! 

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