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Mini DONUTS con LEMON CURD” in italiano

Everybody likes chocolate, and Chocolate Donuts are something we can not resist. But this time I’d like to introduce you to my LEMON CURD DONUTS. Of course you can fill them with chocolate too, but please have a try. Lemon Curd is definitely my favorite filling for donuts.

This is also a rather easy recipe, as always.


  • 150g of all-purpose flour
  • 100g of bread flour
  • 60g of caster sugar
  • 80g of butter
  • 5g of yeast
  • 4g of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 60ml of water

Lemon Curd: please use MY RECIPER FOR LEMON CURD.


  1. Mix the yeast with the water
  2. In the bowl of your standing mixer put all the ingredients together
  3. Mix well for a few seconds
  4. Then add the yeast and water mixture
  5. Beat for a few minutes untill you get a nice firm but elastic dough
  6. Grease a bowl and place the dough in it, cover with clingfilm
  7. Let rise for 1h and 30 minutes
  8. Now roll it out, thickness 1,5cm
  9. Cut out your MINI donuts but of course you can make standard size ones
  10. Now lay the rounds on a lined baking sheet, let them rise for 45 minutes
  11. Prepare your pan for frying them.
  12. Fry 4 max mini donuts at a time, 2 minutes each side.
  13. Let them cool down a little and fill them with Lemon Curd
  14. Sprinkles some icing sugar on top.

Ideal for a afternoon break and breakfast. Ok then, I give up…fill them with chocolate if you are not that much into Lemon Curd! 🙂

Let me know if this recipe is easy enough, I guess so, kinda straight forward and doesn’t call for overnight rising time, which is something I try to avoid in recipes.